Busy Isn't Glorious

The Christmas season can be particularly difficult to slow down but scheduled time off for your family can help you really reconnect after the craziness is over.We have a small business we run from home plus several jobs between us to make ends meet. This time of year for us is manic. Christmas plus a 2 week holiday together is our light at the end of a very busy tunnel. That knowledge helps us push through the extra work, late nights and lack of margin.When you know the season you're in you can communicate what you need.  This sparks teamwork and the stuff that needs extra manpower and attention can get done. Team work makes the dream work right? Yes!We also find that sharing with our kids what's coming up helps them navigate the madness, take on extra chores and look forward to our family down time as well.Talk it out. Get help when you need it. Take space as it comes and switch off as much as possible when the break finally arrives.  If you're anything like us, you've earned it!


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