5 Cues Often Missed for Deeper Connection
How to prevent slipping into a shallow relationship.

How to Talk About Sex with Your Spouse
Without it getting awkward.
A Conversation Guide

The Danger of Not Prioritising Your Marriage

Laugh More, Play More

Unlocking Love Languages

How to Stop Drifting Apart
How leaning towards one another in every season keeps you close. 4 min read.

The Housework Problem SOLVED
How we solved the housework saga and how you can do it too.

The Top 6 Influences on Your Sex Life
What are the main influences on your sex life? Understand these 6 things to increase your intimacy.

Weathering a Perfect Storm
How to not just survive, but come through the worst storm closer and more in love than before.

5 Easy Steps to Restore Connection
Do these 5 simple things to start feeling close to your spouse again.

From Housemates to Soulmates
How did we get from soul mates to house mates? And what's the cure for heteropessimism? The cure is a together vision.

The Date Night Plan
Why date nights are essential for building a strong connection in your marriage and how to enjoy them together - 5 minute read

Why Avoiding Conflict is Making You Lonely
Why avoiding conflict to get ‘peace’ comes at the expense of intimacy - 4 minute read

Six Types of Sex
Why having your own terminology for sex helps you build sexual intimacy in your marriage - 5 minute read

When Your Marriage Feels One-Sided
Five things you can do right now to help move your marriage back towards togetherness - 6 minute read

Love Them Anyway
Why the decision to love no matter what is the biggest game-changer for your marriage.

The Five BIG Connection Killers

How to Forgive Your Spouse

We Process Differently (and that's ok)